IT'S YA GIRL. Wow its been a loooong time. Unfortunately, things did not go very well at my old "studio" (aka community center). I slowly drifted away from dance because it was kind of frustrating to be dancing with actual 8 year olds. But i'm excited to say I've recently found a new great studio that offers REAL teen beginning classes. I'm now 15, and iv'e learned more in 5 weeks at this new studio than I did at the 2 months at my old classes. I have a new excitement and desire to dance and its great! I'm actually currently the only one in the class so i'm basically getting private lessons for the price of regular classes. The director even suggested that I can take the Adult Beginning classes so i can dance more in the week. I honestly love the teachers and I have never had more fun in dance. Now that i am dancing again I am excited to get to share my experiences with you guys and hopefully encourage you to DANCE ON.